YOUR! Colombian Connection

Father’s House Church & Christ King School

The Father’s House Church and Christ is King Christian School, Chiquinquira

A few months ago we shared an impossible dream, really, something that we only though possible if we won the lottery or discovered a gold mine! But today, we are fully involved in the construction of the Father’s House Church in Chiquinquira AND resurrecting the Jesus Christ is King Christian School.

Two years ago, pre-pandemic, we made an application to the PAOC International Missions fund for a low interest mortgage, sufficient to be able to purchase land and start building a permanent home for the church, not expecting much, but being diligent in knocking on every possible door.

Then with the pandemic everything changed. The church went online, the Christian School had to close (the only Christian School in the city) and the application was forgotten.

Even when the church reopened in its rented facilities a few months ago, all efforts were focused on the here and now, not the future – and the school… seemed to have been a tale of Once Upon A Time… BUT!!

The loan was approved and at the end of 2021 a large plot of land purchased 24,000 m2 (almost 6 acres).

created by dji camera

We are waiting for the construction license and in the meantime have installed a large 200 seat tent on the property. And this is what home looks like for the Israelites… err Father’s House…ites; until the permits come in!

Now the real work begins, building a multipurpose gymnatorium, dining hall, offices and a dozen classrooms that will serve the school and church.

Being the only Christian school in the city, it is especially important for us to resurrect the Jesus Christ is King School, I say resurrect because it has to close temporarily due to Covid. This school not only serves the Christian community, but also the underprivileged of the city as an outreach to the poor.

The school has had 6 high schools classes graduate with Technical Certificates, specializing in business. Due to Covid 19, the school had to turn in it’s rented facilities. Upon closing the school had some 110 students with the goal of reaching 400 students’ long term.

Our initial fundraising goal is to help build the classrooms and dining hall. Each of the 12 classrooms, built in prefab, costs $7500,00 to build and furnish. The dining hall and kitchen will be an additional $60,000.00.

The total fundraising goal of $150,000.00 CAD.